Mowing is one of the most important aspects of lawn care!
Poor mowing practices can result in an unsightly lawn. It will damage the grass, leaving it very weak and susceptible to weeds, moss and fungal attack.
A correctly cut lawn will stand out, be green and healthy. Regular mowing is key! By mowing your lawn regularly/weekly during the growing season, using a sharp mower blade and cut at the correct height, will promote a healthy grass sward that will stand a better chance of out competing weeds and moss. Cutting your lawn too short will also promote the ingress of moss and weeds as well as leaving the grass plant stressed and discoloured. Never remove more than 1/3 of the grass height in one cut.
Grass slows down when the temperatures plummet, but it never actually stops growing. By early December, you can consider giving it a rest from regular mowing. If the conditions are mild however (the ground is not frozen or too wet) we would still recommend your lawn is cut occasionally (monthly).
At A Touch of Green we offer a professional mowing service weekly or fortnightly. Prices start from as little as £20.00 for a lawn up to 80m2.
During active growth, a weekly mow is recommended. The grass cuttings will be collected, bagged and cleared from your lawn and can be added to your compost heap or disposed of in your brown bin.
You don’t need to be at home when we come – just make sure we have access to your garden and we will do the rest!